Which three new capabilities were added to HTTP v1.1 over HTTP v1.0? (Choose three.)
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A. B. C. D. E.ABE.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the primary protocol used for transferring data over the World Wide Web (WWW). The HTTP protocol defines how data is transmitted between clients and servers. HTTP v1.0 was introduced in 1996, and HTTP v1.1 was introduced in 1999. HTTP v1.1 is the current version of the HTTP protocol, and it has several new features that were not present in HTTP v1.0.
The three new capabilities that were added to HTTP v1.1 over HTTP v1.0 are:
A. Chunked transfer encoding: This is a mechanism for sending data in chunks. Instead of sending the entire file at once, the data is sent in smaller pieces or chunks. This allows for better memory management on both the client and server side, as the data can be processed as it arrives, rather than being stored in memory until the entire file is received. Chunked transfer encoding also allows for the transfer of data of unknown size, which is useful when the size of the data is not known in advance.
B. HTTP pipelining: This is a mechanism for sending multiple requests over a single TCP connection. In HTTP v1.0, each request required a separate TCP connection, which resulted in slow performance. With HTTP pipelining, multiple requests can be sent over the same TCP connection, which reduces latency and improves performance.
C. POST method: This is a method for sending data to a server. In HTTP v1.0, only the GET method was supported, which limited the types of data that could be sent to a server. With the POST method, data can be sent in the body of the request, which allows for more complex data structures to be transmitted.
D. HTTP cookies: Cookies are small pieces of data that are sent from a website to a user's web browser. The browser stores this data and sends it back to the website on subsequent requests. Cookies are used for a variety of purposes, such as session management, user authentication, and personalization.
E. Keepalive mechanism: This is a mechanism for keeping a TCP connection open after a request has been made. In HTTP v1.0, each request required a separate TCP connection, which resulted in slow performance. With the keepalive mechanism, the TCP connection can be kept open, which reduces latency and improves performance.
Note that the question asks for three new capabilities that were added to HTTP v1.1 over HTTP v1.0, so only options A, B, and C are correct. Options D and E were actually introduced in HTTP v0.9 and HTTP v1.0, respectively.