SIMULATION - How would an administrator quickly check field accessibility?
See the solution below.
Field Accesibility Grid 2
View by: fields, profiles, record type.
As a Salesforce administrator, there are a few ways to quickly check the field accessibility:
Field Accessibility Check Tool: Salesforce provides a tool called Field Accessibility Check which allows the administrator to quickly check the accessibility of a field for a specific profile or permission set. To use this tool, go to Setup > Security Controls > Field Accessibility > Select Object > Select Profile or Permission Set. This tool will show the accessibility level of the field for the selected Profile or Permission Set.
Profile or Permission Set Page: The administrator can navigate to the profile or permission set page to view the accessibility of fields. To do this, go to Setup > Administer > Manage Users > Profiles or Permission Sets > Select Profile or Permission Set > Object Settings > Select Object. This page displays the accessibility level of fields for the selected profile or permission set.
Field Accessibility Matrix: Salesforce provides a feature called Field Accessibility Matrix which allows the administrator to view the accessibility of fields for all profiles and permission sets at once. To use this feature, go to Setup > Security Controls > Field Accessibility > Select Object > View by Profile or Permission Set. This will show a matrix of all profiles and permission sets and the accessibility level of fields for each.
Developer Console: The administrator can use the Developer Console to check field accessibility. To do this, go to Setup > Developer Console > Debug > Open Execute Anonymous Window > Enter the following code: System.debug(Schema.SObjectType.ObjectName.fields.FieldName.getDescribe().isAccessible()); This code will return true if the field is accessible and false if it is not accessible.
By using any of these methods, the administrator can quickly check the field accessibility in Salesforce.