Kinesis Data Streams for Log and Event Data Processing |

Kinesis Data Streams for Log and Event Data Processing

Question is a British online confidential advertisement and public website.

Classified ads are either free or paid for depending on the product category and the geographical market. While the largest category of advertisements on is "goods for sale”, the site also supports around 100,000 motors listings across the UK at any one time, with an extensive social media presence on Twitter and Facebook, with 22,000 and 471,000 followers, respectively.

Gumtree uses social media for communications and information about the brand as well as competitions and campaigns. runs multiple business applications both web and mobile based on AWS. wants to collect log and event data from web servers, mobile devices, pre-process the data and process the data to feed live dashboards, and load data into data warehouse build on Redshift and on S3 for long term storage.

Kinesis Data Streams are used to process the data.

There is requirement to generate operational reports generated at the end of the day.Also looking for a solution to generate weekly and monthly reports.

To what extent can Kinesis Stream support before moving to persistent data storage. Select 3 options.



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A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

Answer: A, E, G.

Option A is correct -Daily Reports can be generated fromKinesis Stream end-of-day since Kinesis data streams hosts data in stream since retention period for data stream is 24 hours by default.

Option B is incorrect -Weekly Reports can be generated fromKinesis Stream end-of-day since Kinesis data streams hosts data in stream since retention period for data stream is 24 hours by default.

Option C is incorrect -Monthly Reports can be generated fromKinesis Stream end-of-day since Kinesis data streams hosts data in stream since retention period for data stream is 24 hours by default.

Option D is incorrect -Daily Reports can be generated fromKinesis Stream end-of-day since Kinesis data streams hosts data in stream since retention period for data stream is 24 hours by default.

Option E is correct -Weekly Reports can be generated fromKinesis Stream end-of-day since Kinesis data streams hosts data in stream since retention period for data stream is 24 hours by default but can be extended to 168 hours.

Option F is incorrect -Monthly Reports cannot be generated fromKinesis Stream end-of-day since Kinesis data streams hosts data in stream since retention period for data stream is 24 hours by default but can be extended beyond 168 hours.

Option G is correct -Data in S3 or Redshift need to be used to fulfill requirement for monthly reports.

Kinesis data streams don't support that requirement.

Kinesis Data Streams is a platform offered by AWS to help users process and analyze real-time streaming data at a massive scale. It can handle large amounts of data and is designed to help users process data quickly and efficiently.

In the given scenario, wants to collect log and event data from web servers and mobile devices, pre-process the data, and process the data to feed live dashboards. The data also needs to be loaded into a data warehouse built on Redshift and on S3 for long-term storage.

Kinesis Data Streams is being used to process the data in real-time. However, there is a requirement to generate operational reports at the end of the day, as well as weekly and monthly reports.

To generate these reports, the data needs to be stored for a longer period. Kinesis Data Streams stores data for a limited period by default, and the retention period depends on the configuration of the data stream.

Based on the given information, the following options are possible:

A. Daily Reports can be generated from Kinesis Stream end-of-day since Kinesis data streams hosts data in the stream since the retention period for the data stream is 24 hours by default. This option is correct since Kinesis can be used to generate daily reports based on the data that is present in the data stream at the end of the day.

B. Weekly Reports can be generated from Kinesis Stream end-of-week since Kinesis data streams hosts data in the stream since the retention period for the data stream is 168 hours by default. This option is correct since Kinesis can be used to generate weekly reports based on the data that is present in the data stream at the end of the week.

C. Daily Reports can be generated from Kinesis Stream end-of-month since Kinesis data streams hosts data in the stream since the retention period for the data stream is 744 hours by default. This option is incorrect since the retention period for Kinesis data streams is 168 hours (one week) by default, and it cannot store data for an entire month.

D. Daily Reports can be generated from Kinesis Stream end-of-day if the retention period for the data stream is increased to 24 hours, with 4 hours by default. This option is incorrect since the retention period for Kinesis data streams is 24 hours by default and can be increased up to a maximum of 168 hours (one week).

E. Weekly Reports can be generated from Kinesis Stream end-of-week if the retention period for the data stream is increased to 168 hours, with 24 hours by default. This option is correct since the retention period for Kinesis data streams is 168 hours (one week) by default, and it can store data for an entire week.

F. Monthly Reports can be generated from Kinesis Stream end-of-month if the retention period for the data stream is increased to 744 hours, with 24 hours by default. This option is incorrect since the retention period for Kinesis data streams is 168 hours (one week) by default, and it cannot store data for an entire month.

G. Monthly reports can be generated from S3 or Redshift. This option is correct since data can be loaded into a data warehouse built on Redshift and on S3 for long-term storage, and monthly reports can be generated from the data stored in these services.

In summary, Kinesis Data Streams can support generating daily and weekly reports, but not monthly reports. The retention period for the data stream can be increased to store data for a longer period, but it is limited to a maximum of 168 hours (one week). To generate monthly reports, data can be loaded into a data warehouse built on Redshift and on S3