AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) - CloudWatch Events Notifications for Shared Subnets

Notifications Triggered by Changes in Shared Subnets with AWS Resource Access Manager


An IT Firm has shared subnets with AWS VPC using AWS Resource Access Manager with different Organization units in an AWS Organization.

The Operations team is looking for the details of the CloudWatch Events that will trigger after the changes made to these subnets. What notifications will trigger after the changes in resources are shared with AWS Resource Access Manager?



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer: C.

Whenever there is a change in resources that is shared using AWS Resource Access Manager, a near-real-time CloudWatch Event is triggered to both owner of the resource and also to the principal with whom the resource is shared.

With near-real-time, CloudWatch Events are triggered with delay, not immediately like in real-time.

Option A is incorrect as the changes in resources will trigger a near-real-time CloudWatch Event, not a real-time trigger.

Option B is incorrect as Events will trigger both owner of the resource share and the principal to whom access to the resource is granted.

Option D is incorrect as Events will trigger both owner of the resource share and the principal to whom access to the resource is granted.

This trigger will be in near-real-time, not in real-time.

For more information on AWS RAM, refer to the following URL,

AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) is a service that allows resource sharing across AWS accounts and within an AWS Organization. When a resource is shared using RAM, changes made to that resource may trigger CloudWatch Events. These events can be used to trigger automation, notifications, or other actions based on the changes made.

In the scenario described, an IT firm has shared subnets with different Organization units in an AWS Organization. The Operations team is looking for details on what CloudWatch Events will trigger after changes are made to these shared subnets.

Option A states that changes in resources will trigger real-time CloudWatch Events to both owners of the resources and principals to whom access to the resource is granted. This option is partially correct. When a resource is shared with RAM, the owner of the resource and the principals to whom access is granted will receive CloudWatch Events in real-time after changes are made to the resource. This means that any changes made to the shared subnets will trigger real-time CloudWatch Events to the owner of the subnets and to any AWS accounts or AWS Organizations that have been granted access to the shared subnets.

Option B states that changes in resources will trigger real-time CloudWatch Events to only principals to whom access to resources is granted. This option is incorrect. CloudWatch Events triggered by changes to a shared resource will be sent to both the owner of the resource and the principals to whom access is granted.

Option C states that changes in resources will trigger near-real-time CloudWatch Events to both owners of the resources and principals to whom access to resources is granted. This option is incorrect. CloudWatch Events triggered by changes to a shared resource will be sent in real-time, not near-real-time.

Option D states that changes in resources will trigger near-real-time CloudWatch Events to only the owner of the resource. This option is incorrect. CloudWatch Events triggered by changes to a shared resource will be sent to both the owner of the resource and the principals to whom access is granted.

Therefore, the correct answer is A: Changes in resources will trigger real-time CloudWatch Events to both owners of the resources and principals to whom access to the resource is granted.