AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: Optimizing Performance for Global Users with Amazon S3 in us-west-1 Region

Optimizing Performance for Global Users with Amazon S3 in us-west-1 Region


Which of the following services can be used to optimize performance for global users to transfer large-sized data objects to a centralized Amazon S3 bucket in us-west-1 region?



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer - A.

S3 Transfer Acceleration can optimise performance for data transfer between users & objects in Amazon S3 bucket.

Transfer acceleration uses CloudFront edge location to provide accelerated data transfer to users.

Option B is incorrect as Amazon CloudFront Put/Post commands can be used for small-sized objects but for large-sized data objects, S3 Transfer Acceleration provides better performance.

Option C is incorrect as users should use Multipart uploads for all data objects exceeding 100 megabytes.

But for better performance, S3 transfer acceleration should be enabled.

Option D is incorrect as for global users accessing S3 bucket, S3 Transfer Acceleration is a better choice.

For more information on Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration, refer to the following URLs:

The service that can be used to optimize performance for global users to transfer large-sized data objects to a centralized Amazon S3 bucket in us-west-1 region is option A: Enable S3 Transfer Acceleration on Amazon S3 bucket.

S3 Transfer Acceleration is a service offered by Amazon S3 that uses Amazon CloudFront's globally distributed edge locations to accelerate transfers over the public internet. It helps to optimize transfer speed by routing the data over Amazon's network, taking advantage of Amazon's backbone infrastructure, and reducing the impact of network latency.

When S3 Transfer Acceleration is enabled, a unique endpoint is created for the S3 bucket, and data transfers are automatically routed through Amazon CloudFront's network. This helps to reduce the time it takes for data to travel from the user's location to the Amazon S3 bucket.

Option B: Using Amazon CloudFront Put/Post commands is incorrect as CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that is primarily used for distributing and caching content to improve the delivery speed to end-users. While CloudFront can be used to distribute content stored in Amazon S3 buckets, it is not the optimal solution for transferring large-sized data objects to a centralized S3 bucket.

Option C: Using Multipart upload is incorrect as multipart upload is a feature of Amazon S3 that enables users to upload large objects in parts. It is used to increase performance and reliability when uploading large objects. However, it is not designed specifically to optimize performance for global users or for transferring large-sized data objects to a centralized S3 bucket.

Option D: Using Amazon ElastiCache is incorrect as Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easy to deploy and operate an in-memory cache in the cloud. It is used to improve the performance of web applications by reducing the load on database servers. It is not designed for optimizing performance for global users or for transferring large-sized data objects to a centralized S3 bucket.

In summary, the correct answer is A: Enable S3 Transfer Acceleration on Amazon S3 bucket.