Migrating to Azure: Techniques for Department Segmentation

Two Techniques to Segment Azure for Departments

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Your company has an Azure subscription that contains the following unused resources:

-> 20 user accounts in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

-> Five groups in Azure AD

-> 10 public IP addresses

-> 10 network interfaces

You need to reduce the Azure costs for the company.

Which unused resources should you remove?



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A. B. C. D.


You are charged for public IP addresses. Therefore, deleting unused public IP addresses will reduce the Azure costs.


To reduce Azure costs for the company, you should remove the unused resources. Let's analyze each option to determine which resources are the best candidates for removal:

A. Network interfaces: Network interfaces are used to connect virtual machines (VMs) to networks in Azure. If these network interfaces are not associated with any active VMs or other resources, they can be considered unused and can be removed. However, since the question does not specify whether these network interfaces are associated with any resources, we cannot definitively say that they are unused. Therefore, removing the network interfaces may not be the best choice.

B. Public IP addresses: Public IP addresses are used to provide internet connectivity to Azure resources such as VMs. If these IP addresses are not associated with any active resources or if they are not needed for incoming internet traffic, they can be considered unused. Removing unused public IP addresses can help reduce costs as you won't be charged for their allocation. Therefore, removing the public IP addresses is a potential option for reducing costs.

C. Groups: Groups in Azure AD are used to manage access and permissions for users and resources. While the question states that there are five groups in Azure AD, it does not specify whether these groups are being used or not. Without further information, it is difficult to determine if these groups are unused. Therefore, removing the groups may not be necessary or effective in reducing costs.

D. User accounts: User accounts in Azure AD represent individual users who can access Azure resources. If there are user accounts that are no longer required or associated with any active resources, they can be considered unused. Removing unused user accounts can help reduce costs as you won't be charged for those accounts. Therefore, removing unused user accounts is another potential option for reducing costs.

Based on the information provided, the best choice for reducing costs would be to remove the unused resources. Both removing the public IP addresses (option B) and removing the user accounts (option D) can help reduce costs, assuming they are truly unused. However, without further details about the usage or necessity of these resources, it is difficult to make a definitive choice between these two options.

To reduce Azure costs for the company, you should remove the unused resources that are not required for your business operations. Based on the given options, the unused resources that can be removed are:

B. The public IP addresses: Public IP addresses are used to provide internet-facing connectivity to resources in Azure. If you are not using any resources that require a public IP address, you can remove them to save costs.

A. The network interfaces: Network interfaces enable virtual machines and other resources to communicate with each other and with the internet. If you are not using any virtual machines or other resources that require a network interface, you can remove them to save costs.

C. The groups: Groups in Azure AD are used to manage access to resources and applications. If you are not using any groups or if you can consolidate the groups to reduce their number, you can remove them to save costs.

D. The user accounts: User accounts in Azure AD are used to authenticate users and grant access to resources and applications. If you are not using any user accounts or if you can consolidate the user accounts to reduce their number, you can remove them to save costs.

Therefore, the correct answer would be either B or A depending on your specific needs, but C and D are less likely candidates for reducing Azure costs.