Auditing for Azure Synapse SQL Database: Possible Reasons for Greyed Out Toggle Button

Possible Reasons for Greyed Out Toggle Button


You plan to implement Auditing for Azure Synapse SQL database.

But when you navigate to the auditing section of yourSQL service, you see that the toggle button for enabling auditing is greyed out.

Which of the following can be the possible reason for this?



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer: B.

Auditing is a very important security feature that helps you track database events and writes.

This can be stored in an azure storage account or sent to log analytics.

But in the case of Azure synapse SQL, there are certain limitations that may block you from enabling auditing.

They are

->using premium storage

-> enabling auditing on a paused Azure Synapse

->support is only for default audit action groups

If you have to enable auditing in Azure Synapse which is issued, you will have to resume it first.

Option A incorrect: Premium storage is the only unsupported storage option.

Option B is correct: Paused Azure Synapse should be resumed before enabling the auditing feature.

Option C is incorrect: This feature can be changed later as well.

Option D is incorrect: One of them is correct.

To know more about SQL Auditing, please refer to the doc below:

The possible reason for the toggle button for enabling auditing being greyed out in the Azure Synapse SQL database is most likely option A - the database is not using premium storage.

Azure Synapse SQL database requires the use of premium storage for enabling auditing. Auditing in Azure Synapse SQL database is a feature that captures database activity and writes it to an audit log. The audit log can be used to monitor and report on activity in the database, and to help with regulatory compliance.

Premium storage is required for auditing in Azure Synapse SQL database because it provides the necessary level of performance and durability to support the audit log. Premium storage is designed to support high-performance workloads, and it provides built-in redundancy and fault tolerance to ensure that data is protected and available at all times.

Option B is not the correct answer because whether the Azure Synapse SQL database is paused or running does not affect the ability to enable auditing.

Option C is also not the correct answer because enabling auditing can be done after the creation of the database, and it can be changed later.

Therefore, the correct answer is A - the database is not using premium storage.