You want to take the advantages of using the DevOps pipelines provided by Azure.
You need to use Data Factory to ingest data and run a notebook on a Databricks cluster, which checks if the data has been ingested correctly and validates the result data file.
Steps of your pipeline looks like this:
# run pipeline - job: "test job" displayName: "Test job" dependsOn: [Deploy_to_Databricks, Deploy_to_ADF] pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' timeoutInMinutes: 0 steps: - task: <.......task1........>@4 displayName: DF Pipeline' inputs: azureSubscription: $(AZURE_RM_CONNECTION) ScriptPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/adf/temp/My_DFPipeline.ps1' ScriptArguments: '-ResourceGroupName $(RESOURCE_GROUP) -DataFactoryName $(DATA_FACTORY_NAME) -PipelineName $(PIPELINE_NAME)' azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion - task: <.......task2........>@0 inputs: versionSpec: '3.x' addToPath: true architecture: 'x64' displayName: 'Python3.x' - task: <.......task3........>@0 inputs: url: '$(DATABRICKS_URL)' token: '$(DATABRICKS_TOKEN)' displayName: 'Databricks config' - task: <.......task4........>@0 inputs: notebookPath: '/Shared/devops-ds/test-data-ingestion' existingClusterId: '$(DATABRICKS_CLUSTER_ID)' executionParams: '{"bin_file_name":"$(bin_FILE_NAME)"}' displayName: 'Ingest data' - task: waitexecution@0 displayName: 'Wait until the testing is done'Match the name of the pipeline steps with the task names in the above script:
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A. B. C. D.Correct Answer: C.
Option A is incorrect because running the notebook mustang be preceded by ingesting data by Data Factory and setting up the environment.
Option B is incorrect because task2 defines setting the Python version, while task3 defines the Databricks environment.
Option C is CORRECT because the script first runs a Data Factory pipeline from PowerShell, then sets the Python version and configures Databricks, and finally executes a notebook on a Databricks cluster.
Option D is incorrect because executenotebook is the last step in the sequence (task4)
The pipeline steps in the script are:
The names of the tasks in the script are not explicitly given, but we can deduce them from the task types and inputs.
Task 1: The first task is a PowerShell task that runs the Azure Data Factory (ADF) pipeline. The task type is not given, but the task name is "DF Pipeline" based on the displayName input. Therefore, the name of this task is "DF Pipeline".
Task 2: The second task sets up the Python environment in the pipeline. The task type is "Use Python Version". Therefore, the name of this task is "Use Python Version".
Task 3: The third task configures the Databricks cluster. The task type is "Databricks Config". Therefore, the name of this task is "Configure Databricks".
Task 4: The fourth task executes the notebook on the Databricks cluster. The task type is "Execute Notebook". Therefore, the name of this task is "Execute Notebook".
Task 5: The fifth task waits for the execution of the notebook to finish. The task type is "Wait Execution". Therefore, the name of this task is "Wait Execution".
Therefore, the correct answer is option C: AzurePowerShell; UsePythonVersion; ConfigureDatabricks; ExecuteNotebook.