Deploying Oracle Database on OCI: Choosing the Right Elastic Performance Option for Block Volumes

Which Elastic Performance Option to Choose for OCI Block Volumes?


You deployed a database on a Standard Compute instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) due to cost concerns.

The database requires additional storage with high I/O and you decided to use OCI Block Volume service for it.

With this requirement in mind, which elastic performance option should you choose for the Block Volume?



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A. B. C. D.


In this scenario, the requirement is to add additional storage to the database with high I/O. To achieve this, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Block Volume service can be used. Block Volumes are persistent, highly available, and high-performance storage devices that can be dynamically attached to compute instances. They provide block-level storage that can be used for a wide variety of applications, including databases, file systems, and applications requiring access to persistent data.

When choosing the elastic performance option for a Block Volume, it is important to consider the workload requirements and the available budget. The performance option determines the amount of IOPS and throughput that the Block Volume can deliver, as well as the associated cost.

In this scenario, the requirement is for high I/O, which indicates a need for high throughput and low latency. Therefore, the best option for this workload is the "Extreme Performance" option. This option provides the highest IOPS and throughput, which is suitable for demanding workloads such as databases with high I/O requirements.

However, it is worth noting that the "Extreme Performance" option is the most expensive among the available options. If the budget is a constraint, then the "Balanced Performance" option can be considered as it provides a good balance between cost and performance. The "Higher Performance" option can also be considered, but it is not as cost-effective as the "Balanced Performance" option.

The "Lower Cost" option is not recommended for a workload that requires high I/O as it provides lower IOPS and throughput and is suitable for workloads that have low I/O requirements and do not require high performance.

In summary, the best elastic performance option for the Block Volume in this scenario is the "Extreme Performance" option as it provides the highest IOPS and throughput, which is suitable for databases with high I/O requirements. However, the available budget should also be taken into consideration, and the "Balanced Performance" option can be considered as a more cost-effective alternative.