Disaster Recovery Steps for AWS Application Failure

Appropriate Recovery Steps for AWS Application Failure

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A software company recently migrated one of its applications to the AWS platform.

The application is deployed in region ap-southeast-1

For the disaster recovery strategy, the DevOps team has used a warm-standby solution and created another functional environment in region ap-southeast-2

When there is a failure of the production system and a failover is required, which steps can be regarded as appropriate recovery steps? (Select TWO.)



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A. B. C. D. E.

Correct Answer - B, E.

Refer to https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-whitepaper-use-aws-for-disaster-recovery/ for the AWS disaster recovery blueprint.

It should be noted that the warm standby solution is an extension to the pilot light.

The standby is fully functional.

However, the environment uses a minimum size of servers to save cost.

Option A is incorrect: Because for warm standby, AMI should be already in place, and EC2 instances are already launched.

Option B is CORRECT: Because warm standby usually uses a smaller number of instances so adjusting ASG will be needed in these scenarios.

Option C is incorrect: Because this belongs to the Backup & Restore disaster recovery strategy.

Option D is incorrect: Because this is one step of Backup & Restore.

Option E is CORRECT: Because in Route 53, the DNS records may need to be changed manually or a health check has been configured to help failover automatically.

This is a key step to ensure the site is recovered properly.

How to use Route53 health check for DNS failover: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/route-53-dns-health-checks/

Other DR documents : https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/startups/large-scale-disaster-recovery-using-aws-regions/

The scenario describes a software company that has migrated an application to the AWS platform and created a warm standby environment in a different region for disaster recovery purposes. The question asks which steps are appropriate recovery steps in case of a failure of the production system requiring failover. The correct answers are A and E.

A. Create custom AMIs and start the application in Amazon EC2 instances: This is a correct step because Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) can be used to quickly and easily launch new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances in the event of a failure of the primary environment. The DevOps team can create custom AMIs that include the necessary software and configurations for the application and use them to launch instances in the standby environment. This will allow the application to be quickly and easily started in the standby environment to resume operations.

B. Adjust Auto Scaling groups to accommodate the increased traffic: This is not an appropriate recovery step in this scenario because the question describes a warm-standby solution, which implies that the standby environment is not actively serving production traffic. Auto Scaling groups are used to automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances in response to changes in demand, but they are not relevant to the warm-standby solution being used in this scenario.

C. Use EBS Lifecycle Manager to create EBS snapshots regularly: This is not an appropriate recovery step in this scenario because EBS snapshots are used for backup and recovery purposes, but they do not directly relate to failover or disaster recovery. The question specifically asks about steps that can be taken in the event of a failure of the primary environment requiring failover, which implies a need for immediate action rather than scheduled backups.

D. Select tools to backup data into AWS S3. Enable encryption for sensitive data: This is not an appropriate recovery step in this scenario because it is focused on backup rather than failover or disaster recovery. While backups are important for maintaining data integrity, they do not directly address the question of how to recover from a failure of the primary environment.

E. Check Amazon Route 53 to make sure that all traffic is routed to region ap-southeast-2: This is a correct step because Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service that can be used to route traffic between multiple AWS regions. In this scenario, the DevOps team can use Route 53 to route traffic to the standby environment in the event of a failure of the primary environment. This will allow users to continue accessing the application with minimal interruption.

In summary, the appropriate recovery steps in this scenario are to create custom AMIs and start the application in Amazon EC2 instances and to check Amazon Route 53 to make sure that all traffic is routed to the standby environment.