Purpose of EOBC Links on nV Edge Solution using Cisco ASR 9000 Series:

EOBC Links on Cisco ASR 9000 Series: Purpose and Functionality


Which statement describes the purpose of the EOBC links on an nV Edge solution using Cisco ASR 9000 Series?



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A. B. C. D.


In an nV (Network Virtualization) Edge solution using Cisco ASR 9000 Series, the EOBC (Embedded Operations Channel) links serve the purpose of synchronizing control plane state information between the active and standby Route Processors (RPs) in the system.

The ASR 9000 Series routers use a distributed control plane architecture that separates the control plane processing from the data plane forwarding. The control plane manages the routing tables, maintains the network topology, and exchanges routing information with other routers. The data plane forwards the actual packets through the network.

In a high-availability configuration, where there are redundant RPs, the EOBC links play a critical role in ensuring that the two RPs are in sync with each other. The RPs use these links to exchange information about the current state of the system, such as the status of interfaces, routing protocols, and forwarding tables. This allows the standby RP to quickly take over in case the active RP fails or becomes unavailable, without causing any disruption to the network.

Option A, "synchronize control plane state information," accurately describes the purpose of the EOBC links in this scenario. Option B, "provide backup transport of data plane traffic," is incorrect, as the EOBC links are not involved in transporting data plane traffic. Option C, "prevent split-brain behavior in case of other link loss," is also incorrect, as this is the role of other redundancy mechanisms such as VSS (Virtual Switching System) or NSF (Non-Stop Forwarding). Option D, "provide primary transport of data plane traffic," is not applicable, as the EOBC links are used only for control plane synchronization, not for data forwarding.