Prohibition against Use of Material Nonpublic Information | Standard V (A) | CFA Level 1 Exam

Standard V (A): Prohibition against Use of Material Nonpublic Information

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Standard V (A), Prohibition against Use of Material Nonpublic Information, states that the test for determining if a tipper is breaching a fiduciary duty



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Standard V (A), Prohibition against Use of Material Nonpublic Information, states that the test for determining if a tipper is breaching a fiduciary duty is whether the tipper benefits directly or indirectly from the disclosure. The three types of personal benefits are: 1. pecuniary benefit, 2. a quid pro quo between the insider and recipient, and 3. a gift of confidential information to a relative. An insider who selectively discloses material nonpublic information without a legitimate business purpose may be found to have breached a fiduciary duty.