Cisco IOS-XE Dial-Peer Command for Inbound SIP Dial-Peer Matching

Highest Preference Command

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Which Cisco IOS-XE dial-peer command has the highest preference for inbound SIP dial-peer matching?



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A. B. C. D. E.


The correct answer for the question is: C. Destination-pattern <number-string>.


In the context of Cisco IOS-XE dial-peers, a "preference" refers to the order of matching dial-peers for incoming calls. The dial-peer with the highest preference will be matched first.

Out of the given options, the dial-peer command that has the highest preference for inbound SIP dial-peer matching is the "destination-pattern" command. This command is used to specify the called number or pattern that the dial-peer will match.

When a call comes into the router, the router will examine the called number in the incoming SIP INVITE message and attempt to match it against the "destination-pattern" configured on the available dial-peers. If a dial-peer has a "destination-pattern" that matches the called number exactly, that dial-peer will be selected for the call.

If there are multiple dial-peers with "destination-patterns" that match the called number, the router will use the following criteria to select the best match:

  1. Longest match - the dial-peer with the most specific "destination-pattern" will be selected
  2. Preference - the dial-peer with the highest preference will be selected (in this case, the one with the "destination-pattern" command)

Therefore, the "destination-pattern" command has the highest preference for inbound SIP dial-peer matching. The other options may also be used in configuring dial-peers, but they do not have the same impact on dial-peer matching preference as the "destination-pattern" command.