Cisco YDK: Configuring BGP ASN with OpenConfig BGP

Configuring BGP ASN with OpenConfig BGP


When using Cisco YDK, which syntax configures the BGP ASN using OpenConfig BGP?



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A. B. C. D.


Sure, I'd be happy to explain the answer to this question in detail!

Cisco YDK (Yang Development Kit) is a software development kit that enables developers to quickly and easily create applications that can interact with network devices using YANG data models. YANG is a data modeling language used to model configuration and operational data for network management protocols.

To configure the BGP ASN (Autonomous System Number) using OpenConfig BGP with Cisco YDK, we need to use the correct syntax. The correct syntax in this case is option B: = 65000.

Let's break down why this is the correct answer:

  • The bgp object refers to the BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) configuration.
  • The global_ object refers to the global BGP configuration. Note that global_ has an underscore at the end because global is a reserved keyword in Python.
  • The config object refers to the configuration parameters of the BGP global configuration.
  • Finally, the as parameter specifies the BGP ASN, which we set to 65000.

Option A (bgp.config.as_ = 65000) is incorrect because it only specifies the BGP ASN without specifying the global BGP configuration.

Option C ( = 65000) is incorrect because it is missing the underscore after global.

Option D (bgp.global_.config.as_ = 65000) is also incorrect because it has an unnecessary underscore after as.

Therefore, the correct syntax to configure the BGP ASN using OpenConfig BGP with Cisco YDK is = 65000.