Determining Location-Based CAC Bandwidth Requirements for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Location-Based CAC Bandwidth Requirements for Cisco Unified Communications Manager


How can an engineer determine location-based CAC bandwidth requirements for Cisco Unified Communications Manager?



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A. B. C. D.


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), Call Admission Control (CAC) is used to regulate the number of concurrent calls that can be made in a specific location or region to ensure that the network resources are not overwhelmed. Location-Based CAC is a feature of CUCM that limits the number of calls that can be made in a particular location based on the available bandwidth. To determine the bandwidth requirements for Location-Based CAC in CUCM, an engineer can follow these steps:

B. Add the requirements for each audio and video codec and multiply how many calls must be supported.

  1. Identify the codecs that will be used for voice and video calls in the location.
  2. Determine the bandwidth requirements for each codec. Different codecs require different amounts of bandwidth, and this information can be obtained from Cisco's documentation or by consulting with the vendor.
  3. Multiply the bandwidth requirement for each codec by the number of calls that need to be supported in the location. This will give the total bandwidth requirement for the location.
  4. Compare the total bandwidth requirement with the available bandwidth in the location. If the available bandwidth is less than the total bandwidth requirement, then Location-Based CAC will be required to limit the number of concurrent calls in the location.

For example, let's assume that G.711 codec is used for voice calls and H.264 codec is used for video calls in a location, and the engineer needs to support 10 voice calls and 5 video calls simultaneously in that location. The bandwidth requirement for G.711 codec is 64 kbps and the bandwidth requirement for H.264 codec is 1.5 Mbps. The total bandwidth requirement for the location can be calculated as follows:

(10 x 64 kbps) + (5 x 1.5 Mbps) = 7.6 Mbps

If the available bandwidth in the location is 10 Mbps, then Location-Based CAC will not be required since the available bandwidth is greater than the total bandwidth requirement. However, if the available bandwidth is only 5 Mbps, then Location-Based CAC will be required to limit the number of concurrent calls in the location.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is B. Add the requirements for each audio and video codec and multiply how many calls must be supported.