Question 5 of 60 from exam 300-435-ENAUTO: Automating and Programming Cisco Enterprise Solutions

Question 5 of 60 from exam 300-435-ENAUTO: Automating and Programming Cisco Enterprise Solutions







‘minFirstSeen”: 1548512334,

‘maxLastSeen”: 1548512802,

“countIsContained”: 0,

“reason”: “Seen on LAN”,

“wiredMac”: “aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:£0”
“alertId”: “629378047939282802”,
‘alertType”: “Air Marshal -Roque AP detected”,
YoccuredAt”: “2019-01-26T14:18:54.0000002",
“organizationId”: “123456”,
“organizationName”: “Organization”,
“organizationUrl”: “https: //”,
“networkId”: “L_123456789012345678",
“networkName”: “Network”,

“networkUrl”: “”,
“version”: “0.1”

“SharedSecret”: “supersecret”,
“sentat: “2019-01-26914:35:20.4428692”,

Refer to the exhibit.

The goal is to write a Python script to automatically send a message to an external messaging application when a rogue AP is detected on the network.

The message should include the broadcast SSID that is in the alert.

A function called 'send_to_application' is created, and this is the declaration: send_to_application(message) The exhibit also shows the data that is received by the application and stored in the variable return_val.

Which Python code completes the task? A.

bssids =return_val[“bssids”]

for number in range(return_val[“alertData”] [“countNode”]) :
send_to_application (“ALERT: detected a bssid on the
network: “+ return_val[“alertData”] [bssids] [number])


bssids =return_val[“bssids”]

for value in bssids:
send_to_application (“ALERT: detected a bssid on the
network: “+value)


count = retutn_val[“alertData”] [“countNode”]

bssids =return_val[“alertData”] [count] [“bssids”]

for value in bssids:
send_to_application (“ALERT: detected a bssid on the
network: “+value)


bssids =return_val[“alertData”] [“bssids”]

for value in bssids:
send_to application (“ALERT: detected a bssid on the
network: “+value)



Explanation - For number in range value is required for the application to send the alert.

Bssids are also included.