Which of the following channels would commonly be used on an 802.11 wireless network?
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A. B. C. D.A.
Answer A. 6 is the correct answer.
Explanation: 802.11 is the standard used for wireless networking. Within this standard, there are multiple channels that can be used for wireless communication. Channels are essentially frequencies that wireless devices use to communicate with each other. Each channel is identified by a specific number.
The 2.4 GHz frequency band has 14 channels designated for use in the United States. Channels 1, 6, and 11 are the most commonly used channels in 2.4 GHz networks because they are non-overlapping and allow for the greatest separation between different wireless networks.
Channel 6 operates on a frequency of 2.437 GHz, which is in the middle of the 2.4 GHz frequency band. This channel is commonly used for wireless networks because it allows for good separation between channels 1 and 11.
Answer B. 17 is not a valid channel for 802.11 wireless networks. The 2.4 GHz frequency band only has 14 channels available for use.
Answer C. 802 is not a valid channel for 802.11 wireless networks. 802 is actually the beginning of the standard's name.
Answer D. 8080 is not a valid channel for 802.11 wireless networks. 8080 is a commonly used port for web servers, but it is not a frequency channel used for wireless communication.