Testing and Debugging PCF Component in Local Test Harness | SEO Best Practices

Start Testing and Debugging PCF Component in Local Test Harness


You create a PCF component and are ready to test.

What should be your command to start testing and debugging the component in the local test harness?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D. E.

Correct Answer: C

The Components are reusable blocks that you can use for Power Apps applications.

Power Apps provides out-of-the-box standard controls (components) for creating applications, like HTML Text, Vertical Gallery, or Edit Form.

If your Power Platform solution requires more than standard controls, Power Apps also provides tools to create and reuse custom components.

Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) helps you to create these components.

After creating a PCF component, you need to test the new component.

You can start the local test harness from your component root directory by running the npm start command (Number 1) in a command window.

The command builds the code and starts the harness (Number 2).

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.867]

= ==) i ge ew ~ \Dev\Power Platform\PCF\Samples
$ npm start

> pcf-project@1.0.0 start Cc: \USers \sewi ga inet ie wows \Dev\Power Platform\PCF\Samples
> pcf-scripts start

[12:41:23 PM] [start] Initializing...
[12:41:23 PM] [start] Validating manifest...
[12:41:23 PM] [start] Validating control...
[12:41:24 PM] [start] Generating manifest types...
[12:41:24 PM] [start] Compiling and bundling control...
[Webpack stats]:
Hash: 02d267ebea99fd7cff16
Version: webpack 4.42.1
Time: 2166ms
Built at: 04/06/2021 12:41:26 PM

Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
bundle.js 9.16 KiB main [emitted] main
Entrypoint main = bundle.js
[ ./TSLinearInputComponent/index.ts] 5 KiB {main} [built]
[12:41:26 PM] [start] Generating build outputs...
——— a PM] [start] Starting control harness...

Starting control harness. | starting control harness... | @
Mapping / to "c:\Users \t ge i hee » y\Dev\Power Platform\PCF\Samples\node_modules\pcf-start"
Serving "c:\Users\ - \Dev\Power Platform\PCF\Samples\out\controls\TSLinearInputComponent™ at

Ready for changes

Then a new PCF Test environment browser window opens (Number 1) with the component's name on the right panel (Number 2) and the running component in a container (Number 3)

The right panel provides three sections: Context inputs (Number 4), Data Inputs (Number 5), and Outputs.

You can interact with the component inside of the container (Number 3) or use the inputs to change the Form Factor, container sizes, property values.

If the PCF component needs data for testing, you can load a CSV file with the data.

The test environment reads the ControlManifest.Input.xml file for the required types of inputs.

You can add any additional inputs in this file if you need them for testing and debugging the component.

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TSLinearInputComponent ©

v Context Inputs 4)

Form Factor

| Tablet ¥

Component Component
Container Width Container Height

| 500 | | 400 |

xv Data Inputs 6



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The test harness can help you see the real-time changes in the component's index.ts or ControlManifest.Input.xml.

If you start your test in watch mode: npm start watch, you will see an automatic reflection of the changes in the files on your component.

You also can use the debug functionality of your browser.

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about the test harness of the PCF components, please visit the below URLs:

To test and debug a Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) component in the local test harness, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open the command prompt or terminal window.

  2. Navigate to the project folder of your PCF component.

  3. Run the following command to start the local test harness:

    pac pcf push --code-file <path-to-component>/dist/<component-name>.js --pcf-start

    This command pushes the component to the local test environment and starts the local test harness.

  4. Open the web browser and go to the URL http://localhost:8181/. This will open the local test harness page.

  5. In the local test harness, select the environment and entity where you want to test the component.

  6. Drag and drop the component from the Components section to the form editor.

  7. Make any necessary changes to the properties of the component.

  8. Click the Save button to save the changes and reload the form with the component.

  9. Use the component to test its functionality and verify that it works as expected.

To debug the component, you can use the browser developer tools to inspect the component and its behavior. You can also use the console to log messages and debug information.

Regarding the options provided in the question, the correct answer is B. pac pcf test start is the command that starts the local test harness for PCF components. Option A (npm run build) builds the component but does not start the local test harness. Option C (npm start) starts the default development server but does not start the local test harness. Option D (pac pcf new test) creates a new PCF project for testing but does not start the local test harness. Option E (npm t) runs the test suite for the component but does not start the local test harness.