About half of the credit cards are rebate cards, and new cards are introduced every day. In one credit card incentive program card holder earn free frequent flyer miles for each dollar charged on his/her credit card. These frequent flyer miles can then be used with airline-affiliated programs for free tickets, first ""class upgrades, and other travel related benefits. This program is a/an:
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A. B. C. D.B
The program described in the question is a frequent flyer program. A frequent flyer program is a loyalty program offered by airlines to encourage customers to continue using their services. In this program, the credit card company rewards the cardholder with free frequent flyer miles for each dollar charged on their credit card. These miles can be accumulated and redeemed for free tickets, upgrades to first class, and other travel-related benefits with the airline or its affiliated partners.
Frequent flyer programs are a popular type of credit card incentive program that offer cardholders the opportunity to earn travel-related benefits. They have become a common feature of many credit cards and are often used to attract and retain customers.
In contrast, automobile rebate programs are incentive programs offered by car manufacturers that give customers cash back or discounts on the purchase of a new vehicle. Merchandise programs are incentive programs that offer rewards such as gift cards or merchandise for making purchases with the credit card. Balance transfer programs are incentive programs that offer low or zero percent interest rates on transferred balances from other credit cards.
Therefore, based on the information provided in the question, the correct answer is B. Frequent flyer program.