You register the Dataverse plug-in assembly using the Plug-in Registration Tool.
What table and column does the Dataverse store the information about the assembly and its binary image?
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A. B. C. D. E. F.Correct Answers: A and F
When you register the assembly using the Dataverse Plug-in Registration Tool, the Dataverse stores information about the registered assembly in the PluginAssemblies table.
It also uploads the assembly's binary image in the Content column.
Suppose you register the FollowupPlugin.
After the registration, you can verify this plugin in the Power Apps classic interface under the Default Solution (Number 1) and Plug-in Assemblies sub-section (Number 2)
In the plug-in browser, you can see just the registered assembly and its information (Number 3).
You can also query the PluginAssemblies table using the Dataverse Web API, like
GET$select=createdon,culture,customizationlevel,description, isolationmode,major,minor,modifiedon,name,pluginassemblyid,publickeytoken,version,content&$filter=name eq ‘FollowupPlugin'
The query result includes information about the plug-in, like a description (Number 1) and a name (Number 2) plus the binary code in the Content column (Number 3).
All other options are incorrect.
For more information about the Dataverse plug-in assembly registration, please visit the below URLs:
When you register a plug-in assembly using the Plug-in Registration Tool in Dataverse, the information about the assembly and its binary image is stored in the PluginAssembly table in the Dataverse database.
The PluginAssembly table is a system table that contains information about all the assemblies that have been registered in the Dataverse instance. It has a one-to-many relationship with the PluginType table, which contains information about the individual plug-ins that are part of the assembly.
The PluginAssembly table has several columns that contain information about the registered assembly, including the following:
In summary, the information about the assembly and its binary image is stored in the PluginAssembly table, and the relevant column that stores the binary image is called "Content".