A10 Certified Professional System Administration - Exam A10 Certified Professional System Administration 4: A10 Certified Professional System Administration 4

Effect of Command: erase preserve-management


Which statement describes the effect this command:

erase preserve-management



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A. B. C. D.


The command "erase preserve-management" is used in A10 Networks devices and it has a specific effect on the system. Let's break down the options and examine each one to determine the correct answer:

A. The startup-config file is erased and the ACOS is immediately rebooted. This option suggests that executing the command will erase the startup configuration file and immediately reboot the ACOS (A10 Networks' operating system). However, it doesn't mention anything about the preservation of management-related configurations or files.

B. All configuration profiles, SSL certificates, aFlex policies, black/white lists, and system logs are erased the next time the system reboots. This option states that executing the command will erase various configuration profiles, SSL certificates, aFlex policies, black/white lists, and system logs, but only upon the next system reboot. It does not explicitly mention the startup-config file or the preservation of management interface IP configuration.

C. The startup-config file is erased but the management interface IP configuration is kept. This option suggests that executing the command will erase the startup-config file but will preserve the management interface IP configuration. It does not mention anything about the preservation of other files or configurations.

D. The startup-config file is erased but all of the admin accounts are preserved. This option states that executing the command will erase the startup-config file, but it specifically mentions that all of the admin accounts will be preserved. It does not provide details about the preservation of other files or configurations.

Based on the available options, the most appropriate answer is C. The "erase preserve-management" command will erase the startup-config file while keeping the management interface IP configuration intact. This means that the device's network settings for managing and accessing the device will remain unaffected, but the startup configuration file, which contains various other configurations, will be erased.

It's important to note that this answer assumes the context and behavior of the "erase preserve-management" command in the specific A10 Networks environment described in the question. In other contexts or environments, the command's behavior may differ.