Acquiring a New System: Feasibility Study Results

The Results of a Feasibility Study for Acquiring a New System

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The results of a feasibility study for acquiring a new system should provide management with a clear understanding of:



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A. B. C. D.


When an organization considers acquiring a new system, it is important to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the suitability, feasibility, and potential risks associated with the implementation of the new system. The results of the feasibility study should provide management with a clear understanding of various aspects of the new system. Let's discuss each answer option in detail to understand the information management should expect from the feasibility study:

A. The approach to meeting data processing needs: This option pertains to how the new system will address the data processing requirements of the organization. The feasibility study should analyze the current data processing needs of the organization and identify how the new system will meet those needs. This analysis should include aspects such as the types of data processed, the volume of data, the frequency of data processing, and the expected growth in data processing needs. The results of the feasibility study should provide management with a clear understanding of how the new system will meet the data processing needs of the organization.

B. How hardware selection criteria are aligned with the IS strategic plan: This option pertains to how the hardware selection criteria for the new system align with the organization's information systems (IS) strategic plan. The feasibility study should identify the hardware requirements for the new system and evaluate whether they align with the IS strategic plan. This evaluation should include aspects such as the compatibility of the hardware with existing infrastructure, the capacity of the hardware to handle current and future data processing needs, and the cost-effectiveness of the hardware. The results of the feasibility study should provide management with a clear understanding of whether the hardware selection criteria for the new system align with the IS strategic plan.

C. Critical application systems' utilization of computer resources: This option pertains to how the critical application systems of the organization utilize computer resources. The feasibility study should analyze the current utilization of computer resources by the critical application systems and identify whether the new system will impact the utilization of computer resources. This analysis should include aspects such as the CPU, memory, and storage requirements of the critical application systems and the impact of the new system on the availability and performance of computer resources. The results of the feasibility study should provide management with a clear understanding of how the new system will impact the utilization of computer resources by the critical application systems.

D. Application security over critical data processing: This option pertains to how the new system will ensure the security of critical data processing. The feasibility study should analyze the current application security controls in place for critical data processing and identify whether the new system will improve or compromise the security controls. This analysis should include aspects such as access controls, authentication, encryption, and auditing. The results of the feasibility study should provide management with a clear understanding of how the new system will ensure the security of critical data processing.

In summary, the results of a feasibility study for acquiring a new system should provide management with a clear understanding of the approach to meeting data processing needs, how hardware selection criteria are aligned with the IS strategic plan, critical application systems' utilization of computer resources, and application security over critical data processing.