Identifying and Updating Outdated Control Frameworks: Taking the First Step

Solutions for Excessive Exceptions Caused by Outdated Control Frameworks


An enterprise has recently experienced an excessive number of exceptions due to outdated control frameworks.

What should the leadership team do FIRST?



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When an enterprise experiences an excessive number of exceptions due to outdated control frameworks, it is an indication that the control frameworks are no longer effective in managing the enterprise's IT risks. The leadership team must take action to address this issue to prevent the enterprise from being exposed to significant IT risks.

Out of the provided options, the FIRST step that the leadership team should take is to Mandate a reassessment of the current control frameworks. This is because a reassessment of the control frameworks will enable the leadership team to identify the specific areas where the control frameworks are outdated and no longer effective. It will also help the team to determine which areas require improvement and what changes should be made to enhance the control frameworks' effectiveness.

Once the reassessment is completed, the leadership team can then review the IT control standards to ensure that the current control frameworks align with the latest IT control standards. This step will help to identify gaps and inconsistencies between the current control frameworks and the latest IT control standards, which should be addressed to improve the overall effectiveness of the control frameworks.

The leadership team can then mandate strict adherence to the updated control frameworks. This step will ensure that all stakeholders in the enterprise are aware of the updated control frameworks and understand their roles and responsibilities in adhering to them.

Finally, the exception review and approval process should be updated to reflect the changes made to the control frameworks. This step will ensure that the exception review and approval process is aligned with the updated control frameworks and that any exceptions granted are consistent with the updated control frameworks.

In summary, the FIRST step that the leadership team should take when an enterprise experiences an excessive number of exceptions due to outdated control frameworks is to Mandate a reassessment of the current control frameworks. This will enable the leadership team to identify the specific areas where the control frameworks are outdated and no longer effective, and determine what changes should be made to enhance their effectiveness.