Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 Query APIs for Batch CRUD Operations

Three APIs for Batch CRUD Operations in Azure Time Series Insights Gen2


Frankie is an IoT Engineer working on Azure IoT projects for Connected Factory.

He's using Azure Time-series insights Gen2 for near real-time data streaming on the Azure IoT platform.

He is required to enable batch execution operations in order to perform the batch CRUD operations on time-series model entities.

Which of the following three APIs can he select in Azure time series insights Gen2 Query APIs?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D. E.

Correct Answers: B, C and E.

Pass the list of
tables to the
pipeline as

For each table, do
the following:
(ForEach activity)

Get old watermark
value from last time
(Lookup activity)

Get new watermark
value from source
(Lookup activity)

Delta loading of
data between
watermarks from
table and merge
to destination
(Copy activity)

Update the
watermark for
the delta data

loading next

(Store procedure

Azure Time-series Insights Gen2 enables data querying on events and metadata stored in the environment via public APIs.

The time series Model-Query (TSM-Q) APIs enable CRUD operations on metadata stored in the time series model of the environment.

Answer A.

Get Events API enables query and retrieval of raw events and the associated event timestamps as they've recorded in the Azure time series insights Gen2 from the source provider.

Hence, it's incorrect.



Types API enables CRUD on time series types and their associated variables.

Hence, it's the correct option.



Hierarchies API enables CRUD on time series hierarchies and their associated field paths.

It's an incorrect option.



Get Environments API returns the list of environments that the caller is authorized to access.

It's an incorrect option.



Instances API enables CRUD on time series instances and their associated instance fields.

Hence, it's the correct option.

Get Environments
Returns the list of environments that
the caller is authorized to access

Get Environment Availability
Returns the distribution of event
count over the event timestamp

Get Event Schema

Returns the event schema metadata
fora given search span

Get Modelsettings

Returns auto created model for
environment partition key

Types API
Enables CRUD on types from the model and
the associated variables

Instances API
Enables CRUD on instances from the
model and all associated instance fields

Hierarchies API
101010 Enables CRUD on hierarchies from the
1010! model and all associated fields paths

101010 Get Events

Returns raw values from events as
stored from source provider

Data Querying

Get Series / Aggregate Series
Returns TSV with a value for each
variable at each interval by reducing

Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 provides various APIs to enable batch CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on time-series model entities. These APIs are used to retrieve or manipulate data stored in the Time Series Insights Gen2 environment.

Out of the given options, the three APIs that can be selected in Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 Query APIs for batch CRUD operations on time-series model entities are:

  1. Types API: This API is used to retrieve the types (i.e., data schema) of time-series instances, including the properties and their data types. It can also be used to create or update types. For example, you can use this API to create a new type or update the existing type of a sensor device.

  2. Hierarchies API: This API is used to create, read, update, or delete hierarchies, which are used to organize and manage the time-series data in a structured manner. Hierarchies can be used to group time-series instances based on their location, department, or any other category.

  3. Instances API: This API is used to create, read, update, or delete time-series instances. Time-series instances represent the actual data points that are being collected from IoT devices or other sources. For example, you can use this API to create a new instance for a sensor device or update the existing instance data.

On the other hand, Get Events API and Get Environments API are not relevant to batch CRUD operations on time-series model entities.

In summary, for batch CRUD operations on time-series model entities, an IoT Engineer working on Azure IoT projects for Connected Factory can select Types API, Hierarchies API, and Instances API in Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 Query APIs.