George used to Create Page Wizard to create a calendar on the DEMO_ORDERS table based on the ORDER_TIMESTAMP column.
However, the calendar shows only the month and list views.
What does George need to do to show week and day views?
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A. B. C. D.A. show week and day views on a calendar created using the Create Page Wizard in Oracle Application Express 18, George needs to follow the steps below:
Note that if the "Show Time" property is set to "No", the week and day views will not display any events. Therefore, George may need to set the "Show Time" property to "Yes" to display events on the week and day views.
The "Maximum Events / Day" property determines the maximum number of events that can be displayed on a single day. If George wants to display more than one event per day on the week and day views, he will need to increase the value of this property accordingly.
Selecting the "End Date Column" option is not necessary to display the week and day views. This option is used to specify the column that contains the end date for events, which is useful for events that span multiple days.