Improving Lead Conversion Quality | Solutions for High-Quality Lead Conversion

Strategies to Improve Lead Conversion Quality


The Sales Director at Cloud Kicks noticed that while Lead conversion rates were high, Opportunities were not moving through the sales cycle. Many of the contacts that were converted had no phone, email, or background information captured.

Which three solutions can be used to improve the quality of Leads being converted? (Choose three.)



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A. B. C. D. E. F.


To improve the quality of Leads being converted, the following three solutions can be implemented:

B. Review Lead conversion mapping to ensure necessary fields are mapped correctly: This solution involves checking the mapping of fields from Leads to Opportunities. During the Lead conversion process, it is important to ensure that all necessary information from the Lead is accurately mapped and transferred to the Opportunity record. This includes fields such as phone numbers, email addresses, and background information. By reviewing the Lead conversion mapping, any missing or incorrectly mapped fields can be identified and corrected, thereby improving the completeness and accuracy of data in the Opportunities.

C. Create a validation rule to check that necessary information is complete upon Lead conversion: A validation rule can be created to enforce the completion of necessary information when converting a Lead. This rule can be defined to check for the presence of required fields such as phone numbers, email addresses, or any other crucial information before allowing the Lead conversion process to proceed. By implementing this validation rule, users will be prompted to enter the essential details during the Lead conversion, ensuring that incomplete Leads are not converted into Opportunities.

E. Update web-to-lead forms to require input fields be completed prior to submission: Web-to-lead forms are often used to capture Leads directly from the company's website. By updating these forms to require the completion of specific input fields before submission, the quality of Leads can be improved. For example, mandatory fields such as phone numbers, email addresses, or other relevant information can be marked as required, ensuring that visitors must provide these details before submitting the form. This way, only Leads with complete information will be created in Salesforce, increasing the overall data quality and reducing the number of incomplete Leads being converted.

These three solutions address the issue of incomplete information in the converted Leads. By reviewing the Lead conversion mapping, ensuring the presence of necessary information through validation rules, and requiring completion of input fields on web-to-lead forms, Cloud Kicks can improve the quality of Leads and enhance the effectiveness of their sales cycle.