Inbound Call Handling Rules for Cisco Meeting Server (CMS)

What Happens to an Inbound Call to Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) That Does Not Match Any Incoming Call Handling Rules?

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What happens to an inbound call to a Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) that did not match any incoming call handling rules?



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A. B. C. D. E.


When an inbound call arrives at a Cisco Meeting Server (CMS), the server tries to match the call with any incoming call handling rules that have been configured. These rules can specify how the call should be handled based on various criteria such as the destination, the source, the time of day, or the user profile.

If the call does not match any of the configured incoming call handling rules, the CMS will then proceed to the next step in its call handling process. The exact behavior of the CMS in this scenario depends on the specific configuration of the server.

Option A suggests that the CMS will try to match the domain in the Call Forwarding rules. Call forwarding rules are typically used to forward calls to a different destination than the one originally dialed. If the call did not match any incoming call handling rules, it is unlikely that it would match any call forwarding rules, as these rules are typically configured to apply only to specific types of calls.

Option B suggests that the CMS will ignore the call. While it is possible that the CMS could be configured to simply ignore calls that do not match any incoming call handling rules, this would not be a typical configuration for a CMS. In most cases, the CMS would be expected to handle all inbound calls in some way, even if the handling is simply to reject the call.

Option C suggests that the CMS will reject the call. This is a possible outcome if the CMS is configured to reject calls that do not match any incoming call handling rules. When a call is rejected, the CMS will typically send a message back to the calling party indicating that the call could not be completed.

Option D suggests that the CMS will route the call to the default Space. A Space is a virtual meeting room on the CMS that can be used for conferencing. If the CMS is configured with a default Space, and the call does not match any incoming call handling rules, it is possible that the CMS could route the call to this default Space. This would allow the call to be answered by anyone who is a member of that Space.

Option E suggests that the CMS will try to match the domain in the Outbound Call rules. Outbound call rules are typically used to specify how calls from the CMS should be handled when they are routed to a different destination. If the call did not match any incoming call handling rules, it is possible that the CMS could check the outbound call rules to see if there are any rules that apply to calls with the same destination domain. If a matching rule is found, the CMS could apply that rule to the inbound call.

In summary, the behavior of a Cisco Meeting Server (CMS) when an inbound call does not match any incoming call handling rules depends on the specific configuration of the server. While any of the options listed in the question could be a possible outcome, it is not possible to determine which option is correct without more information about the CMS configuration.