IPv6 Multicast Group Join Mechanism

IPv6 Multicast Group Join Mechanism

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An IPv6 multicast receiver joins an IPv6 multicast group using which mechanism?



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A. B. C. D. E.


The correct answer is C. MLD report.

In IPv6 networks, multicast communication is managed using the Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) protocol, which is the IPv6 equivalent of the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) used in IPv4 networks. MLD is responsible for managing the membership of hosts in IPv6 multicast groups.

When an IPv6 multicast receiver wants to join a multicast group, it sends an MLD report message to notify its local router that it wants to receive traffic sent to that multicast group address. The MLD report message includes the multicast group address that the receiver wants to join.

The other options listed in the question are used in IPv4 networks, but not in IPv6 networks, as follows:

A. IGMPv3 report: This is used in IPv4 networks to notify the local router that a host wants to join or leave an IPv4 multicast group.

B. IGMPv3 join: This is another term for an IGMPv3 report in IPv4 networks.

D. General query: This is an IGMP message sent by a router to all hosts on a network to discover which multicast groups have active members.

E. PIM join: This is used by routers to join multicast distribution trees and forward multicast traffic to receivers in IPv4 and IPv6 networks.

Therefore, the correct mechanism for an IPv6 multicast receiver to join an IPv6 multicast group is by sending an MLD report message.