Which statement describes an advantage of dynamic routing?
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A. B. C. D.D
The correct answer is D. Dynamic routing typically requires less time to implement than static routing in a large network.
Explanation: Routing is the process of selecting the best path for traffic to travel from a source to a destination across a network. In a computer network, there are two types of routing: static and dynamic.
Static routing requires that a network administrator manually configure the routes that traffic must follow across the network. This involves configuring each router with the specific paths that traffic must take to reach its destination. While static routing can be simple to configure for small networks, it can be difficult to manage in large, complex networks.
Dynamic routing, on the other hand, uses protocols to allow routers to exchange information with each other about the paths that traffic can take. This allows the routers to automatically adjust their routing tables to choose the most efficient path for traffic to follow based on the network's current topology and traffic conditions. Dynamic routing protocols include OSPF, BGP, and RIP.
An advantage of dynamic routing is that it typically requires less time to implement than static routing in a large network. This is because dynamic routing protocols can automatically detect changes in the network topology and adjust the routing tables accordingly. In contrast, with static routing, network administrators must manually update the routing tables whenever there are changes to the network topology, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.
Option A is incorrect because dynamic routing does not provide redundant IP addresses for end-user devices. Redundancy can be achieved through other methods, such as using virtual IP addresses or implementing redundant network links.
Option B is incorrect because dynamic routing does require initial user configuration, such as configuring the dynamic routing protocol and its parameters.
Option C is incorrect because dynamic routing does not provide DNS services. DNS is a separate service that translates domain names into IP addresses.