Deploying Computation Logic to Edge Devices for Particle Sensors | Azure IoT Developer Exam

Deploying Computation Logic to Edge Devices for Particle Sensors


You work for a company that is about setting up a country-wide environmental monitoring system for real-time air pollution monitoring.

The system, in the first stage, will consist of 10000 sensor end-devices deployed.

The sensors have been registered to the appropriate IoT hubs through 100 edge devices.

Now you need to deploy the necessary computation logic to the edge devices for particle sensors.

Other devices, e.g.

NO2 sensors, should be left untouched.

What do you need to achieve your goal?



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer: B.

Option A is incorrect because you can only build a target condition using tags, reported properties, or deviceId.

Desired properties cannot be used in target conditions.

Option B is CORRECT because when using automatic deployments, you need a deployment manifest that describes the modules to be deployed, a target condition that determines the devices for the deployment.

Edge device management is only available on Standard (Sx) IoT Hubs.

Option C is incorrect because if you want to use Edge devices, your IoT hubs must be in the Standard (S1, S2, S3) tier.

Hubs in theB2 tier cannot be used in this scenario.

Option D is incorrect because only single quotes are allowed in the target condition.

Don't use double-quotes.

Furthermore, your IoT Hub must be in the S tier.


In this scenario, the goal is to deploy the necessary computation logic to the edge devices for particle sensors without affecting other devices like NO2 sensors. This can be achieved through deploying a deployment manifest to the IoT edge devices with a specific target condition for particle sensors.

A deployment manifest is a JSON file that contains information about the modules that need to be deployed to the IoT edge devices. It specifies the desired state of the edge devices and the modules that should run on them. In this case, the deployment manifest will specify the computation logic required for particle sensors.

Option A suggests using a deployment manifest with a target condition of properties.desired.deviceType = ‘Particle sensor' and S1 tier IoT Hub. This means that the deployment manifest will only target edge devices with the desired device type of "Particle sensor" and will use an S1 tier IoT Hub.

Option B suggests using a deployment manifest with a target condition of tags.deviceType = ‘Particle sensor' and S1 tier IoT Hub. This means that the deployment manifest will only target edge devices with a tag of "deviceType" and a value of "Particle sensor" and will use an S1 tier IoT Hub.

Option C suggests using a deployment manifest with a target condition of tags.deviceType = ‘Particle sensor' and B2 tier IoT Hub. This means that the deployment manifest will only target edge devices with a tag of "deviceType" and a value of "Particle sensor" and will use a B2 tier IoT Hub.

Option D is the same as option C, suggesting using a deployment manifest with a target condition of tags.deviceType = "Particle sensor" and a B2 tier IoT Hub.

Therefore, the correct answer would be either option B or D. Both options specify using a deployment manifest with a target condition of tags.deviceType = ‘Particle sensor' which means that the deployment manifest will only target edge devices with a tag of "deviceType" and a value of "Particle sensor". This is the most appropriate way to ensure that the computation logic is deployed only to the edge devices for particle sensors without affecting other devices like NO2 sensors.