Outdoor Wireless Network Design for Small City | CCIE Wireless Exam 400-351

Designing an Outdoor Wireless Network for Small Cities


You have been hired to install an outdoor wireless network for a small city.

The design must provide 360 degrees of coverage from a central location and at least 33 Mb/s of aggregate bandwidth for clause 18 radio clients.

How do you design this solution?



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When designing an outdoor wireless network for a small city that requires 360 degrees of coverage from a central location and at least 33 Mb/s of aggregate bandwidth for clause 18 radio clients, there are several factors to consider, such as antenna type, frequency band, channel width, transmit power, and antenna height.

Of the five options provided, three or more sector array antennas installed in a circular pattern on the same supporting structure is the most appropriate choice.

Sector array antennas are directional antennas that provide coverage in a specific sector. By installing multiple sector array antennas in a circular pattern, you can achieve 360 degrees of coverage. Additionally, sector array antennas have a high gain, which allows for longer-range coverage and higher throughput. This high gain also enables better penetration of obstacles such as buildings and trees.

The number of antennas required depends on the size of the coverage area and the number of users. A minimum of three antennas is needed for 360 degrees of coverage. However, additional antennas may be required for capacity and redundancy purposes.

To achieve at least 33 Mb/s of aggregate bandwidth for clause 18 radio clients, the frequency band, channel width, and transmit power must be carefully selected. In general, the 5 GHz frequency band should be used as it provides higher throughput and is less susceptible to interference than the 2.4 GHz frequency band. A channel width of at least 20 MHz is recommended to achieve the required bandwidth. The transmit power should be set to the minimum required to achieve the desired coverage area to minimize interference and improve network efficiency.

In summary, when designing an outdoor wireless network for a small city, using three or more sector array antennas installed in a circular pattern on the same supporting structure is the most appropriate choice. Additionally, the frequency band, channel width, and transmit power should be carefully selected to achieve at least 33 Mb/s of aggregate bandwidth for clause 18 radio clients.