Cisco CCNA Exam 200-125: Syslog Messages for "logging trap warning"

"logging trap warning" Syslog Messages Explained

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While viewing the running configuration of a router, you observe the command logging trap warning. Which syslog messages will the router send?



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A. B. C. D. E.


The command "logging trap warning" is used to specify the level of severity of syslog messages that a router sends to a syslog server.

Syslog messages are used by network devices to send log messages about their operation and the events they encounter. These messages can be used for troubleshooting, security auditing, and other purposes.

In this case, the command "logging trap warning" indicates that the router will send syslog messages with severity level "warning" or higher. The severity levels range from 0 to 7, where 0 is the most severe and 7 is the least severe.

Therefore, option D "warnings only" is not correct because the router will send messages with severity level "warning" and higher, not just "warning" messages.

Option A "levels 1-4" is not correct either because the router will send messages with severity level "warning" (level 4) and higher, not just levels 1-4.

Option B "levels 0-4" is also not correct because the router will not send messages with severity level 0 (emergency) or 1 (alert). It will only send messages with severity levels 2 (critical), 3 (error), and 4 (warning) and higher.

Option E "levels 1-5" is closer, but it still includes severity level 1 (alert), which the router will not send. Therefore, the correct answer is option C "levels 0-5," which includes all severity levels from 0 (emergency) to 5 (notice).

In summary, the "logging trap warning" command configures a router to send syslog messages with severity levels 0-5, which includes all levels except level 6 (informational) and level 7 (debugging).