Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant Exam: Efficient Approaches for Improving Adoption with 250 Employees

Efficient Approaches for Improving Adoption with 250 Employees


The sales manager at Cloud Kicks has proposed that the consultant hold one large discovery meeting with 250 employees who use Salesforce currently to gain information to improve adoption.

What are the three efficient approaches the consultant could recommend to the sales manager? (Choose three.)



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A. B. C. D. E.


When considering the proposal from the sales manager at Cloud Kicks to hold a large discovery meeting with 250 employees to improve adoption, the consultant can recommend the following three efficient approaches:

  1. D. Arrange multiple sessions with small groups of employees: This approach involves dividing the employees into smaller groups and conducting multiple sessions. By doing so, the consultant can create a more intimate and interactive environment, allowing for focused discussions and increased participation. Small group sessions enable employees to express their thoughts and ideas more freely, leading to a richer exchange of information. Additionally, smaller groups ensure that everyone gets a chance to contribute and be heard, resulting in a more inclusive and effective discovery process.

  2. A. Send a survey to all employees asking for a list of desired changes: Sending a survey to all employees is a practical and efficient way to gather feedback from a large number of people simultaneously. The survey should be designed to elicit specific information about the employees' current pain points, challenges, and suggestions for improving adoption. By collecting responses through a survey, the consultant can obtain a comprehensive overview of the issues faced by employees and gain insights into their specific needs. Surveys also provide an opportunity for employees to provide anonymous feedback, encouraging honest responses.

  3. E. Meet with a large group of employees to listen to their feedback: While the previous two approaches involve smaller group interactions or surveys, it is still valuable to have a meeting with a large group of employees. This allows for open communication, where the consultant can actively listen to their concerns, ideas, and suggestions. By addressing the larger group, the consultant can ensure that everyone receives the same information and has a shared understanding of the goals and objectives. This approach fosters transparency, encourages collaboration, and creates a sense of unity among the employees, promoting a collective effort towards improving adoption.

It is important to note that the other options, B and C, are not the most efficient approaches in this scenario. Asking all employees to email their ideas and feedback (B) can result in a flood of unorganized and unstructured information, making it challenging to analyze and derive meaningful insights. Similarly, asking management to select employees for sessions (C) may introduce bias and limit the inclusiveness of the discovery process. Therefore, options B and C are not as effective as the three approaches explained above.