Causes of Irreversible Data Changes via API

Irreversible Data Changes


SIMULATION - What causes irreversible changes to data via API?


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Irreversible changes to data via API in Salesforce can occur due to several factors:

  1. Deletion of Records: If a user deletes a record via API, it is irreversible. The record cannot be recovered, and all related data, such as child records, attachments, and files, are also deleted permanently.

  2. Overwriting Data: If a user updates a record via API and overwrites the existing data, the original data cannot be retrieved. Therefore, it is crucial to have a backup of the data before making any significant changes.

  3. Changing Field Types: Changing the data type of a field via API, such as changing a picklist to a text field, can cause irreversible changes to the data. For instance, if the picklist had specific values that were used to populate reports, changing it to a text field would remove the picklist values, which cannot be restored.

  4. Changing Record Types: Changing a record's record type can cause irreversible changes to the data, as the record type determines which fields are displayed, and what values are allowed in those fields. Therefore, it is crucial to review the impact of changing record types before doing so.

  5. Changing Object Relationships: Changing the relationship between two objects via API can cause irreversible changes to the data. For instance, if you delete the lookup relationship between two objects, all related data is also deleted.

It is essential to have a clear understanding of the impact of any API changes before making them, and to have proper backup and recovery processes in place to minimize any negative impact.