BGP Link State Architecture in Service Provider SDN Environment | Cisco CCIE Exam

BGP Link State Architecture


In a service provider SDN environment, which two steps take place in the BGP Link State Architecture? (Choose two.)



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A. B. C. D. E.



In a service provider SDN environment, BGP Link State (BGP-LS) Architecture is used to enhance the capabilities of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) by providing information about the network topology. BGP-LS enables the collection, distribution, and utilization of Link State information within the BGP routing domain.

The two steps that take place in the BGP-LS Architecture are:

B. Advertise the BGP-LS NLRIs to the topology server: BGP-LS uses a new type of NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information) to advertise topology information. This NLRI contains attributes that describe the topology of the network, including links, nodes, and their attributes. These NLRIs are then advertised to the topology server, which can be an external entity or an internal component of the SDN controller.

E. BGP download the received BGP LS data to the IGP component on the router: After the topology information is received by the BGP speaker, it is downloaded to the IGP component on the router. This enables the IGP to have a complete view of the network topology, which it can use to compute the shortest paths and perform other routing functions.

The other answer options are incorrect for the following reasons:

A. IGP use BGPLS data from remote peers: This option is incorrect because the IGP does not use BGP-LS data from remote peers. Instead, the BGP speaker advertises the BGP-LS NLRIs to the topology server, which then makes them available to the IGP.

C. Enable access to the Adj-RIB-In (BGP raw format) of a peer border router or provider edge router: This option is incorrect because it refers to the Adjacency-RIB-In (Adj-RIB-In), which is a BGP internal data structure that holds the routing information received from its BGP peers. It is not directly related to the BGP-LS architecture.

D. IGP is redistributed into BGP-LS: This option is incorrect because the redistribution of IGP into BGP-LS is not a step in the BGP-LS architecture. Instead, BGP-LS uses its own NLRI format to advertise topology information.

In summary, BGP-LS Architecture enhances BGP's capabilities by providing information about the network topology. The two steps in the BGP-LS Architecture are the advertisement of BGP-LS NLRIs to the topology server and the downloading of received BGP-LS data to the IGP component on the router.