Create a Dashboard for Model-Driven App

Add a Dashboard to the Site Map


You create a sitemap for your model-driven app.

You need to add a dashboard to the map.

What site map component will you use for the dashboard?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B. C. D. E.

Correct Answer: A

The model-driven sitemaps help users to navigate around an app.

A site map has three elements:

Power Apps

App Designer > Sitemap Designer
Innovation Hub


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Dashboards Innovation

Dashboards Challenges


Team Projects

Components Properties


\ General


Dashboard v


Select an entity Vv |



Default Dashboard

Innovation Challenge vw

Title (1033)


Use Default Image VY



Parameter Passing

N. Aduanrad

All other options are incorrect.

For more information about sitemaps for model-driven apps, please visit the below URLs:

To add a dashboard to a sitemap for a model-driven app in Microsoft Power Platform, you would use a Site Map Subarea component.

A Site Map is essentially a navigation tool that helps users move around within a model-driven app. It provides a hierarchical structure of the various components of the app, such as entities, views, forms, dashboards, and other elements. The Site Map is typically displayed as a menu on the left-hand side of the screen in the app.

To add a dashboard to the Site Map, you would first create the dashboard within Power BI or Power Apps. Once the dashboard is created, you can then add it to the Site Map by following these steps:

  1. Open the app designer for the model-driven app.
  2. Click on the "Site Map" button in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  3. In the Site Map designer, locate the area or group where you want to add the dashboard.
  4. Right-click on the area or group and select "Add Subarea" from the context menu.
  5. In the "Add Subarea" dialog box, give the subarea a name and select "Dashboard" as the type.
  6. Choose the dashboard you want to add from the list of available dashboards.
  7. Configure any additional settings for the subarea as needed, such as the icon, URL, or privileges.
  8. Save and publish the Site Map changes.

Once the Site Map changes have been published, users will be able to see the dashboard listed in the appropriate area or group in the Site Map menu. They can then click on the dashboard to view its contents within the app.

In summary, the correct answer to the question is A. Subarea, as this is the Site Map component that is used to add a dashboard to a model-driven app.