sObject Record Retrieval in Database | DEV-501 Exam

Retrieve Records from sObject in Database


What statements are used to retrieve records from an sObject in the database?



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A. B. C. D.


The statements used to retrieve records from an sObject in the database are SOQL statements. SOQL stands for Salesforce Object Query Language and is used to query data from the Salesforce database.

SOQL statements are similar to SQL statements used in traditional databases, but are specifically designed to work with Salesforce data. They are used to retrieve data from one or more sObjects, which are the equivalent of tables in a traditional database.

To use SOQL, you need to specify the object you want to retrieve data from, along with the fields you want to retrieve. For example, to retrieve all the account records in Salesforce and their associated fields, you would use the following SOQL statement:

SELECT Id, Name, Industry, BillingCity FROM Account

This statement specifies that we want to retrieve the Id, Name, Industry, and BillingCity fields from the Account sObject.

Another way to retrieve records from an sObject is to use SOQL for loops. SOQL for loops are used when working with large sets of data and help to avoid hitting governor limits.

Lastly, the option 'multi-tenant' is not related to retrieving records from an sObject. Multi-tenant refers to Salesforce's architecture, which allows multiple organizations to share a single instance of the application.