Cost Explorer Tool - AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam - Amazon

Cost Explorer Tool


A start-up organization is using the cost explorer tool to view and analyze its costs and usage.

Which of the below statements are correct with regards to the cost explorer tool? (Select TWO)



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A. B. C. D. E.

Answer: D and E.

Option A is INCORRECT.

Data is available for up to the last 12 months.

Option B is INCORRECT.

Cost explorer provides Usage-Based Forecasting not a forecast for the next 12 months.

Option C is INCORRECT.

A recommendation is provided to purchase the Reserved instances.

Option D is CORRECT as Cost explorer provides custom usage forecasts to gain a line of sight into your expected future costs.

Option E is CORRECT.


The cost explorer tool is a feature of AWS that helps customers visualize, understand and manage their AWS usage and costs. It provides a range of cost and usage reports, including trend data, to help identify cost drivers, track usage patterns and optimize costs.

A. Data is available for up to the last 24 months. This statement is correct. The cost explorer tool provides data for up to the last 24 months, allowing customers to view their usage and cost trends over a longer period and make informed decisions about their AWS usage.

B. Provides a forecast of the likely spend for the next six months This statement is incorrect. While the cost explorer tool does provide historical data and usage trends, it does not provide a forecast of the likely spend for the next six months.

C. Spot Instances to purchase are recommended This statement is incorrect. The cost explorer tool does not provide recommendations on purchasing Spot Instances. Spot Instances are a type of EC2 instance that allows customers to bid on unused Amazon EC2 capacity, often resulting in significant cost savings.

D. Provides Usage-Based Forecasting This statement is incorrect. While the cost explorer tool provides usage and cost trends, it does not provide usage-based forecasting.

E. Provides trends that you can use to understand your costs. This statement is correct. The cost explorer tool provides a range of usage and cost trends that customers can use to understand their costs and usage patterns. By identifying cost drivers and optimizing usage, customers can reduce their AWS costs and improve their overall cost efficiency.