AWS SysOps Administrator - Reduce Charges for Storing Files in Amazon S3 Glacier

Additional Steps to Reduce Charges


Sysops Team has created a lifecycle rule to transition a large number of files to Amazon S3 Glacier to save cost.

Most of these files are small-sized, while few of them are large-sized files.

Most of the files are encrypted.

The Costing Team has advised you to have the maximum possible cost deduction while storing these files. Which additional steps can be taken to reduce charges?



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A. B. C. D.

Correct Answer: B.

When objects are transitioning to Amazon S3 Glacier or Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive, the following additional charges are applied.

Storage overhead charges -A fixed amount of storage is added to the objects which are used for metadata.

Due to this, if there are a large number of small objects, this can lead to additional costs.

This cost can be avoided by saving smaller objects as large objects.

A number of days you plan to keep objects archived- If the objects are retrieved before the stipulated time of 90 days (S3 Glacier) or 180 days (S3 Glacier Deep Archive), there are additional retrieval charges.

S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive transition request charges- There is a one-time transition charge for transitioning objects to Amazon S3 Glacier.

Due to this, if there are a large number of small objects, this can lead to additional costs.

This cost can be avoided by saving smaller objects as large objects.

S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive data restore charges- Charges for restoring objects from Amazon S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive.

In the above case, since there are a large number of small files, these files can be aggregated to large files so that additional Storage overhead and Transition charges can be avoided.

Option A is incorrect as storing large objects as many smaller objects will incur additional costs for storage overhead charges and transition request charges.

Option C is incorrect as storing smaller objects in unencrypted format will not save cost.

Option D is incorrect as storing smaller objects in encrypted format will not save cost.

For more information on cost considerations while transitioning to Amazon S3 Glacier or Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive, refer to the following URL,

The SysOps team has created a lifecycle rule to transition files to Amazon S3 Glacier in order to save costs. Since most of the files are small-sized and encrypted, additional steps can be taken to further reduce charges while storing these files.

Option A suggests storing large objects as many smaller objects while transitioning to Amazon S3 Glacier. This approach may not be cost-effective as each object stored in Amazon S3 Glacier incurs a minimum charge, and splitting large objects into multiple small objects will increase the number of objects and hence, the storage charges.

Option B suggests aggregating many smaller objects into large objects while transitioning to Amazon S3 Glacier. This approach can be cost-effective since storing a single large object will incur fewer charges compared to storing multiple small objects. However, this option may not be feasible for encrypted objects since encryption introduces randomness, making it difficult to aggregate the objects.

Option C suggests decrypting all objects and storing them in Amazon S3 Glacier in an unencrypted format. This approach can reduce costs since unencrypted objects are compressed by Amazon S3 Glacier, which reduces storage charges. However, this option may not be feasible if the data is sensitive and requires encryption.

Option D suggests encrypting all objects and storing them in Amazon S3 Glacier in an encrypted format. This approach can be cost-effective since Amazon S3 Glacier offers lower storage charges for encrypted objects compared to unencrypted objects. Additionally, encrypted objects can be compressed by Amazon S3 Glacier, further reducing storage charges.

Therefore, Option D - Encrypt all objects and store them in Amazon S3 Glacier in an encrypted format, is the most appropriate approach to reduce charges while storing these files.