CISSP-ISSEP Registration Task 4: Defining System's External Interfaces and Relationships

Registration Task 4


Which of the following elements of Registration task 4 defines the system's external interfaces as well as the purpose of each external interface, and the relationship between the interface and the system.



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A. B. C. D.


The correct answer is C. System interface.

In the context of Registration task 4, which is part of the Risk Management Framework (RMF) process, the system interface refers to the external connections or communication channels that the system has with other systems or entities. These interfaces can be hardware or software-based and can include network connections, communication protocols, application programming interfaces (APIs), or any other means of information exchange.

The purpose of the System Interface element in Registration task 4 is to identify and document all of the external interfaces that the system has and to define the purpose of each interface. This includes specifying what types of data or information are exchanged through each interface, who the intended recipients or senders of that data are, and what security controls are in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of that data.

In addition, the System Interface element also describes the relationship between the interface and the system. This includes identifying any dependencies or interactions between the system and the external entities it communicates with, as well as any potential risks or vulnerabilities associated with those interactions.

Overall, the System Interface element is a critical component of Registration task 4, as it helps to ensure that all external interfaces are properly identified, documented, and secured, thereby reducing the risk of unauthorized access, data loss, or other security incidents.