AWS VPC Peering Arrangement

VPC Peering Connection

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You have created 3 VPC's , VPC A , VPC B and VPC C.

There is a VPC peering connection between VPC B and VPC A and a separate peering connection between VPC A and VPC C.

Which of the following is true with regards to this VPC peering arrangement?



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A. B. C. D.

Answer - D.

Since transitive peering is not allowed, you can use a proxy instance to forward the requests.

Options A,B and C are all invalid , because as per the AWS Documentation, this is the rule of transitive peering.

For more information on VPC peering configurations, please visit the below URL.
Transitive Peering

You have a VPC peering connection between VPC A and VPC B (pcx-aaaabbbb), and between VPC A and VPC C (pex-aaaacccc). There is no
VPC peering connection between VPC B and VPC C. You cannot route packets directly from VPC B to VPC C through VPC A. a
pox-aaaabbbb ‘aaaacces

The VPC peering connections between VPC A and VPC B and between VPC A and VPC C create a network topology where VPC B and VPC C are not directly connected to each other. The VPC peering connections are non-transitive, meaning that VPC B cannot communicate with VPC C directly.

Option A is false since VPC B and VPC C are not directly connected, instances launched in VPC B cannot reach instances in VPC C.

Option B is partially true. Instances launched in VPC B can reach instances in VPC C if the right routing entries are present in the route tables of both VPCs. Each VPC must have a route to the other VPC CIDR block via the respective VPC peering connection.

Option C is false. Security groups control inbound and outbound traffic at the instance level, not at the VPC peering connection level. Even if the Security Groups rules are present for the instances, VPC B and VPC C are not directly connected, so the instances launched in VPC B cannot reach instances in VPC C.

Option D is also partially true. Instances launched in VPC B can reach instances in VPC C via a proxy instance in VPC A. The proxy instance can act as a router or a NAT device between VPC B and VPC C. The proxy instance must be configured with the appropriate routing and security group rules to allow traffic to flow between VPC B and VPC C.

Therefore, the correct answer is B and D.