Vulnerability Assessment Report | CompTIA Security+ Exam SY0-601

CVSS Score of Discovered Vulnerabilities

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A vulnerability assessment report will include the CVSS score of the discovered vulnerabilities because the score allows the organization to better:


validate the vulnerability exists in the organization's network through penetration testing. B.

research the appropriate mitigation techniques in a vulnerability database. C.

find the software patches that are required to mitigate a vulnerability. D.

prioritize remediation of vulnerabilities based on the possible impact.



A vulnerability assessment report will include the CVSS score of the discovered vulnerabilities because the score allows the organization to better:


validate the vulnerability exists in the organization's network through penetration testing.


research the appropriate mitigation techniques in a vulnerability database.


find the software patches that are required to mitigate a vulnerability.


prioritize remediation of vulnerabilities based on the possible impact.


The answer is D. A vulnerability assessment report will include the CVSS score of the discovered vulnerabilities because the score allows the organization to better prioritize remediation of vulnerabilities based on the possible impact.

The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is a framework for rating the severity of security vulnerabilities in software. The score is based on several factors, including the ease of exploitation, the potential impact on the system, and the level of access required to exploit the vulnerability.

When an organization conducts a vulnerability assessment, it typically identifies a large number of vulnerabilities. It can be challenging to determine which vulnerabilities should be remediated first, as resources are often limited. The CVSS score provides a standardized way of measuring the severity of each vulnerability and helps the organization prioritize remediation efforts.

By using the CVSS score, the organization can focus on the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to the system. For example, a vulnerability with a CVSS score of 9.0 (out of a possible 10) would be considered a high-priority vulnerability that requires immediate attention. In contrast, a vulnerability with a score of 2.0 may be considered a low-priority vulnerability that can be addressed at a later time.

In summary, the CVSS score is an essential tool for organizations that conduct vulnerability assessments. It helps them prioritize their remediation efforts, allowing them to allocate their resources more effectively and reduce the risk of a successful cyber attack.