Digital Watermarking Attack Tools | CSSLP Exam Question Answer

Digital Watermarking Attack Tools


Which of the following tools is used to attack the Digital Watermarking?



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A. B. C. D.

looks like a real image with no watermark in it.

This attack is successful, as it is impossible to read watermark in very small pieces.

Answer: D is incorrect.

2Mosaic is a tool used for watermark breaking.

It is an attack against a digital watermarking system.

In this type of attack, an image is chopped into small pieces and then placed together.

When this image is embedded into a web page, the web browser renders the small pieces into one image.

This image Gifshuffle is used to hide message or information inside GIF images.

It is done by shuffling the colormap.

This tool also provides compression and encryption.

Digital Watermarking is the process of embedding information into digital media, such as images, videos, or audio, for copyright protection, ownership identification, and other purposes. However, digital watermarking is vulnerable to various attacks that can either destroy the watermark or manipulate it in a way that alters its message.

Among the given options, the tool that is specifically used to attack Digital Watermarking is the "Steg-Only Attack" (Option A).

Steganography is the art of hiding information within other information to avoid detection. In the context of Digital Watermarking, a steganographic attack involves embedding a secret message or image within the original watermark without destroying its overall structure. This attack can be performed in several ways, including:

  1. LSB (Least Significant Bit) replacement: The attacker replaces the least significant bits of the original watermark with the bits of the secret message, which causes minimal distortion to the overall image.

  2. Spread Spectrum: The attacker spreads the secret message across multiple frequencies or time periods within the original watermark, making it difficult to detect and extract.

  3. Spatial domain: The attacker modifies the spatial distribution of the pixels within the original watermark to embed the secret message.

In contrast, "Active Attacks" (Option B) refer to attacks that attempt to alter or disrupt the functionality of the digital watermarking system, rather than hiding information within it.

"2Mosaic" (Option C) is a software tool used for image editing and manipulation, which can potentially be used to modify or destroy digital watermarks, but it is not specifically designed for attacking digital watermarking.

Similarly, "Gifshuffle" (Option D) is a steganography tool used for hiding information within GIF images, but it is not primarily used for attacking digital watermarking.

In summary, the tool used to attack Digital Watermarking is the Steg-Only Attack, which involves embedding a secret message or image within the original watermark without destroying its overall structure.