Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC Model


Which of the following models uses a directed graph to specify the rights that a subject can transfer to an object or that a subject can take from another subject?



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A. B. C. D.

rules describing admissible changes of the graph.

Answer: D is incorrect.

The access matrix is a straightforward approach that provides access rights to subjects.

The take-grant protection model is a formal model used in the field of computer security to establish or disprove the safety of a given computer system that follows specific rules.

It shows that for specific systems the question of safety is decidable in linear time, which is in general undecidable.

The model represents a system as directed graph, where vertices are either subjects or objects.

The edges between them are labeled and the label indicates the rights that the source of the edge has over the destination.

Two rights occur in every instance of the model: take and grant.

They play a special role in the graph rewriting address additional integrity requirements.

The model that uses a directed graph to specify the rights that a subject can transfer to an object or that a subject can take from another subject is the Take-Grant Protection Model (TGPM).

In the Take-Grant Protection Model, the system is represented as a directed graph, where the nodes of the graph represent objects, and the edges represent the transfer of rights between objects. The model provides a formal framework for analyzing access control policies, specifying protection requirements, and evaluating the effectiveness of different access control mechanisms.

In the Take-Grant Protection Model, each node of the graph represents an object or a subject. The nodes are labeled with a set of attributes that describe the object or subject, such as its name, owner, and access rights. The edges of the graph represent the transfer of rights between objects or subjects. An edge from object A to object B means that object A can transfer some of its rights to object B.

The Take-Grant Protection Model is useful for analyzing access control policies because it allows the security analyst to reason about the flow of rights in the system. By examining the graph, the analyst can determine which objects have access to which resources and how those access rights can be transferred between objects. This information can be used to identify potential security vulnerabilities in the system and to develop more effective access control policies.

In summary, the Take-Grant Protection Model is a formal framework for analyzing access control policies, specifying protection requirements, and evaluating the effectiveness of different access control mechanisms. It uses a directed graph to represent the system and to specify the rights that a subject can transfer to an object or that a subject can take from another subject.