Secure SMTP Settings for Sending Email in Dynamics 365 Finance | Exam MB-300 Answer

Using Port 587 for SMTP in Dynamics 365 Finance | Exam MB-300 Answer


You are configuring Dynamics 365 Finance to make sure that the typical secure SMTP settings are used for sending email.

You make sure that the SMTP port field is set to 587

Does this action ensure that secure SMTP settings are used?



Click on the arrows to vote for the correct answer

A. B.




\Outgoing mail server

IThe host name of the desired SMTP server.

IFor Microsoft 365 production (including * accounts)
luse (You can find this setting at
lat Settings > Mail > POP and IMAP.)

[For Outlook/Hotmail use

SMTP port number

ITypically, the port number should be set to 587 for secure transport.

Iname and Password

Specify, as needed, to send the email via the appropriate mail account.
|All users need to provide the SMTP account Send As and Send On
[Behalf Of permissions to enable the ability to send Simple Mail Transfer|
[Protocol (SMTP) mail. You can configure Send As permissions in the
Microsoft 365 admin center (portal.,

lat Users > Active users > User > Edit mailbox permissions > Send
lemail from this mailbox. For more information, see Enable sending
lemail from another user's mailbox in Microsoft 365.

Specify if SSL is

[Determines whether secure transport is used. Typically. this is Yes,

lexcept for internal or troubleshooting scenarios.
» [User] Email provider selection section on
the Options page

The Options page can be opened via Settings > User options. The Email provider selection
section is on the Account tab.

Field Description

Email Allows the user to select the email provider that should be used when sending an
provider email. Selecting an option here is the equivalent of selecting Do not ask again in the
1D How would you like to send email dialog box. Selecting the blank option Prompt for

which email provider to use will cause the How would you like to send email dialog
box to display when an email is going to be sent.

Sender Allows the administrator to provide an email address override for the user in the From
email field of the email. By default, the email alias that is associated with the user account is,
used as the From field in new emails, but this user option email address will override

Setting the SMTP port to 587 is one of the standard and recommended ways to ensure secure SMTP settings are used for sending emails. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and is a standard protocol used for sending emails over the internet.

SMTP typically operates over port 25, but in recent years, SMTP over SSL/TLS has become more common to secure email transmissions. When sending emails through a secure SMTP connection, the data is encrypted, ensuring that the email contents and attachments cannot be intercepted by third parties.

SMTP port 587 is the default port used for SMTP over SSL/TLS, also known as SMTPS. SMTPS encrypts the data sent between the mail server and the email client using SSL/TLS encryption protocols. This encryption makes it harder for unauthorized parties to access or intercept the email messages.

Therefore, setting the SMTP port to 587 is a recommended best practice for ensuring secure SMTP settings are used for sending emails. Answer A, "Yes, it does," is the correct answer.