Application Load Balancer Monitoring Features

Features for Monitoring Application Load Balancer

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Which of the following are features for monitoring application load balancer? Choose the 3 correct options.



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A. B. C. D. E.

Answer: A, B, D.
Monitor Your Application Load Balancers

You can use the following features to monitor your load balancers, analyze traffic patterns, and troubleshoot issues with your load balancers and targets.

CloudWatch metrics

You can use Amazon CloudWatch to retrieve statistics about data points for your load balancers and targets as an ordered set of time-series data, known as
metrics. You can use these metrics to verify that your system is performing as expected. For more information, see CloudWatch Metrics for Your Application
Load Balancer.

Access logs

You can use access logs to capture detailed information about the requests made to your load balancer and store them as log files in Amazon S3. You can
use these access logs to analyze traffic patterns and to troubleshoot issues with your targets. For more information, see Access Logs for Your Application
Load Balancer.

Request tracing

You can use request tracing to track HTTP requests. The load balancer adds a header with a trace identifier to each request it receives. For more
information, see Request Tracing for Your Application Load Balancer.

CloudTrail logs

You can use AWS CloudTrail to capture detailed information about the calls made to the Elastic Load Balancing API and store them as log files in Amazon
$3. You can use these CloudTrail logs to determine which calls were made, the source IP address where the call came from, who made the call, when the
call was made, and so on. For more information, see Logging API Calls for Your Application Load Balancer Using AWS CloudTrail.

The correct options for monitoring an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in AWS are:

A. CloudWatch metrics C. VPC Flow Logs E. EC2 Flow Logs.

Here's a detailed explanation for each option:

A. CloudWatch Metrics: Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service that provides metrics on the performance of various AWS resources, including ALBs. With CloudWatch, you can monitor the request count, latency, and other metrics for an ALB. These metrics can be used to set alarms and automate actions based on certain thresholds.

C. VPC Flow Logs: Amazon VPC Flow Logs is a feature that enables you to capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC. By enabling VPC Flow Logs for your VPC, you can capture information about the traffic going to and from the ALB. This information can be used for security analysis, troubleshooting, and compliance auditing.

E. EC2 Flow Logs: Similar to VPC Flow Logs, EC2 Flow Logs capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces of EC2 instances. Since the ALB is built on top of EC2 instances, you can use EC2 Flow Logs to capture information about the traffic going to and from the ALB. This information can be used for the same purposes as VPC Flow Logs.

B. Request Tracing: Request tracing is not a feature for monitoring an ALB. However, AWS offers AWS X-Ray, which is a service that provides request tracing for distributed applications, including those that use an ALB. With X-Ray, you can trace requests across multiple services and get a comprehensive view of how they interact with each other. While this is useful for troubleshooting and performance optimization, it is not a feature for monitoring an ALB.

D. CloudTrail Logs: AWS CloudTrail is a service that provides logs of API calls made to various AWS resources. While CloudTrail can provide some information about the ALB, it is not a feature for monitoring the ALB itself. CloudTrail logs can be used for security analysis and compliance auditing, but they do not provide the same level of visibility into the performance of the ALB as CloudWatch metrics, VPC Flow Logs, or EC2 Flow Logs.