Two Important Reasons to Check Data Set Size on Mobile Configuration | Salesforce CRT211 Exam

Why Admins Should Check Data Set Size on Mobile Configuration


SIMULATION - Why are 2 important reasons for admins to check the size of a data set on a mobile configuration before activating it.


See the solution below.


To make sure that performance on the mobile device won't be severely impacted 2

To ensure the data will not be over the max limit set by administrator.

Admins should check the size of a data set on a mobile configuration before activating it for two important reasons:

  1. Mobile device storage limitations: Mobile devices have limited storage space, and if a data set is too large, it may take up a significant portion of the device's available storage. This can cause performance issues, such as slower loading times and even crashes. Therefore, it is important for admins to check the size of a data set before activating it to ensure that it is appropriate for the device's storage limitations.

  2. Network bandwidth limitations: Mobile devices often rely on network connections to access data, and large data sets can consume significant amounts of bandwidth. This can cause slower loading times, data transfer failures, and higher data usage costs for the user. Admins should check the size of a data set before activating it to ensure that it is appropriate for the user's network connection and data plan.

In summary, checking the size of a data set before activating it on a mobile configuration is essential to ensure that the data set is appropriate for the device's storage limitations and the user's network connection and data plan. This can prevent performance issues and higher data usage costs for the user.