Stakeholder Analysis Chart

Stakeholder Analysis Chart


What is a stakeholder analysis chart?



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A stakeholder analysis chart is a tool used in project management and information security management to identify, analyze and prioritize stakeholders in a project or an organization. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the level of influence and interest each stakeholder has in the project or organization and how they should be engaged to achieve project objectives.

A stakeholder analysis chart typically consists of a matrix that documents the stakeholders' interest, influence, communication needs, and expectations. It helps in identifying stakeholders who are likely to be affected by the project or organization's activities, and also those who have the power to influence its success or failure.

The matrix in the chart usually has two dimensions: interest and influence. The interest dimension identifies the level of stakeholder involvement and concern with the project or organization's objectives. The influence dimension identifies the level of control and power the stakeholder has to affect the project or organization's activities.

The stakeholder analysis chart can also include additional columns to document the stakeholders' communication needs, expectations, and roles in the project or organization. This information is crucial in determining how stakeholders should be engaged, how communication should be managed, and how their needs and expectations should be addressed.

Overall, a stakeholder analysis chart is a valuable tool in managing stakeholder relationships and ensuring project success. It helps in identifying potential conflicts, managing expectations, and ensuring that stakeholders are effectively engaged throughout the project lifecycle.