Typical Core Activity within Configuration Management
Which is a typical core activity within configuration management?
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Configuration management is a core activity within project management that involves identifying and documenting the functional and physical characteristics of a product or system. The purpose of configuration management is to ensure that the project deliverables meet the required standards and specifications, and that any changes to the product or system are properly documented and controlled.
One of the typical core activities within configuration management is verification and audit. Verification involves ensuring that the product or system meets the specified requirements, while audit involves reviewing the documentation and processes to ensure compliance with the configuration management plan.
Verification is an important part of configuration management because it helps to ensure that the product or system is functioning as intended and meets the specified requirements. This involves testing the product or system to ensure that it performs the desired functions and meets the necessary quality standards. Verification can be carried out at various stages of the project, including during the development and testing phases.
Audit is another important activity within configuration management because it helps to ensure that the project is following the approved configuration management plan. This involves reviewing the documentation and processes to ensure that they are accurate, complete, and up-to-date. An audit can help to identify any gaps or inconsistencies in the project documentation and processes, and can help to ensure that the project is on track and meeting its objectives.
In summary, verification and audit are important core activities within configuration management. Verification involves testing the product or system to ensure that it meets the specified requirements, while audit involves reviewing the documentation and processes to ensure compliance with the configuration management plan.